This is Inter IKEA Group
Our business in brief
The IKEA franchise system
Management structure
About our owner
IKEA year in review
FY24 balance sheet
FY24 financial results
Download financial reports
How we do business
How we work with our suppliers
IKEA culture and values
Ethics and Integrity
Our Tax Principles
Compliance documents
The Inter IKEA Group commitments to human rights
A year of investment to build a stronger IKEA for the future
Inter IKEA Group acquires the IKEA retail business in the Baltics
Inter IKEA Group reports lower profit absorbing increased costs and investing for the future
Museum of Furniture Studies Stockholm moves to Älmhult
New owner of Inter IKEA Group
Strong result will enable IKEA to lower prices
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Member sign in
Shop at IKEA?
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This is Inter IKEA Group
Our business in brief
The IKEA franchise system
Management structure
About our owner
IKEA year in review
FY24 balance sheet
FY24 financial results
Download financial reports
How we do business
How we work with our suppliers
IKEA culture and values
Ethics and Integrity
Our Tax Principles
Compliance documents
The Inter IKEA Group commitments to human rights
A year of investment to build a stronger IKEA for the future
Inter IKEA Group acquires the IKEA retail business in the Baltics
Inter IKEA Group reports lower profit absorbing increased costs and investing for the future
Museum of Furniture Studies Stockholm moves to Älmhult
New owner of Inter IKEA Group
Strong result will enable IKEA to lower prices
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